What’s New With Girls Rock Saskatoon?



listen to original music from past girls rock camps



Our Camps

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girls rock camp saskatoon

We offer a week-long summer program where youth campers participate in fun workshops, learn an instrument, form a band, and write a song to be performed live at the end of week showcase.

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all grown up camp

Girls Rock Camp: All Grown Up is a fundraiser in support of our youth camps. If you’re a grown-up who’s always wanted to learn an instrument and be in a band, this is the weekend for you!


Our Mission:

Building esteem through music.

We use the collaborative power of music to fight sexism and gender discrimination in our communities. Through our programming, we strive to create safer spaces where girls, women, trans, two-spirit, and gender expansive youth and adults can access opportunities for growth, learning, social justice education, and healthy relationships.


Get Involved


Learn about camp

Want to know more about camp details? Check out our FAQ to learn more!


Explore our various committee roles and opportunities available each year.

Make a Donation

As a a non-profit organization, we rely on our community’s generosity & support.
